"Alright, Bill, what do we do to fix the in-out problem temporarily?" Boy, you guys don't let a man catch his breath! First I want to thank those of you who emailed a response... Thanks... and now... on with the show!
Last month I mentioned that I was going to give you a solution to limited in-out problems in software, not just Strata StudioPro. So, here's what I've come up with:
First the dry run for you "What do I get for my money?" dudes and dudettes... Cadmover is made by KANDU Software <http://www.kandusoftware.com>
•Cadmover 5.1 on 2 floppies (What? They still make those things?!?)
•pdf manual on floppy (I HATE pdfs!)
•Hardware Key (I REALLY HATE these, but I also know the developer hates them, too. A sad necessary evil.)
•And you get, at no added cost, a box.
Cost: About $495 (depending on whether or not you're a student.)
Good Question! It translates most file formats to and from CAD-related software. Once again, this is a Mac original package and though it really doesn't have a button bar, if you are going to translate several files to the same format, you can drag and drop them onto the icon (yep, that pretty button) and it will go to town translating the file for you.
I'm going to hold off on listing the in/outs until the end, so be patient. Although the program does a wonderful job of converting files, I would suggest you do your conversion overnight. Otherwise, expect to tie up your computer for quite awhile (it took nearly 90 minutes to convert a 700,000 poly .DXF file to an .STL (Strerolithography) format). It's a cool program and the tech support dudes are some of the most helpful and knowledgeable people I've had the pleasure of working with (actually, maybe a little too helpful—I didn't really want to go into ResEdit and open the IGES file and look for line 72 or whatever, but hey, it's a lot better than dealing with Adobe or Quark!).
The problem with a program like this is that there is not a whole lot that you can say about a translation package other than "does it work or not?" and the answer to that quetion is it absolutely does, no question about it. There are no fancy bells or whistles with this package, it's just a good, solid 3D format conversion package, plain and simple.
"Why would I want this and how does this relate to your last article?" Good, legitimate questions. To answer the first one: if you are talking to a lot (and I do mean A LOT) of different computer programs or in the model-making industry, then Cadmover 5.1 is a must. With the exception of some high end (and high-priced) CAD and animation packages, most 3D software packages just don't support enough input/output formats (this includes Strata StudioPro). Also, this program can convert 3D files into PICT, Illustrator, and EPS format files which is especially handy when doing technical illustrations or assembly directions.
To answer the second: for whatever reasons, Strata has not chosen to invest resources into providing a broader spectrum of input/output formats (and I have been begging for years!), therefore, you need some sort of secondary file translator to do the job for you.
"Hey, what formats does it take in and spit out?" Well I feel like doing an ABC Warehouse ad for all the input/export formats that it takes, and it does a pretty reliable job of translating the files, the only bug I've found is in translating ProE IGES files (which is a bug that is supposedly being fixed), but that is inconsequental to my review.